Saturday, December 3, 2016

Multicultural Quiz

Second generation of Japanese to call U.S. home
Student Answer: Lumpia
Correct Answer: Nisei

Philippine style egg rolls
Student Answer: Nisei
Correct Answer: Lumpia

West coast equivalent of Ellis Island
Student Answer: Angel Island
Correct Answer: Angel Island

Oldest known celebration of the ending of slavery
Student Answer: Juneteenth
Correct Answer: Juneteenth

Nazi concentration camp symbol for sexual deviants 
Student Answer: Nisei
Correct Answer: Upside-down pink triangle

Activity associated with Black fraternities and sororities
Student Answer: Step show
Correct Answer: Step show

One of the first openly gay elected official in California
Student Answer: Upside-down pink triangle
Correct Answer: Harvey Milk

Disparaging term for one who is not Jewish
Student Answer: Step show
Correct Answer: Goy

Grandmother in Spanish
Student Answer: Abuela
Correct Answer: Abuela

1880's Irish immigration
Student Answer: Potato Famine
Correct Answer: Potato Famine


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