- We have to believe in our students and help them improve their self-esteem;
-It is our job as teachers to encourage them and guide them;
-Help them create, dream and help them become anything that they want to become
-We have to maintain positivism no matter what obstacles we face;
Video #2
-Through good teaching, students are exposed to good opportunities and new possibilities;
-Never lose your joy as a teacher! Never lose that Drive! use your passion to inspire students;
Video # 3
-Value & importance of human connection is essential;
-Must have a good bond between a teacher and his/her students;
-We have to remember to be caring and understanding towards the students because they have personal lives as well
-Students will not learn from teachers that they do not like and do not respect;
Video # 4
-Confrontations are difficult but we have to hold out ground and help the students understand why they are being held accountable for their actions;
-We must help students understand why certain actions hold a negative impact on their futures;
-We must give students chances to redeem themselves;
-Students have a voice too and so we must hear them out and listen to what they have to say;
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